Saturday, February 12, 2011

My Center :)

The center that I work at is the Grafenwoehr Child Development Center. Me and one of my roommates both work there together. We have to walk about five-ten minutes to get there which is super nice. We get an hour break everyday at twelve and it's nice to be able to live so close so that we can walk home and have some time to just relax.
Every morning before going to our actual rooms we go to take the Kindergarteners to school which is about a five minute walk away. Usually I'm in Room 4 which is the preschoolers. I love them so much. The lead teachers in the room are German which is cool. Out main lead has been working there for about five years. Another one of our teachers is pregnant too, which is exciting. There are so many teachers pregnant there. I can think of at least three right off the top of my head.
There are only five classrooms in our whole center. An infant/pre-toddler room, an hourly infant/pre-toddler/toddler room, a toddler room, a preschool room, and a preschool/Kindergarten (Strong Beginnings) room. We have a break room too but it's super tiny and every time we go to the bathroom we have to get the key from the front desk.
During the day when I get back from taking the Kindergatrners to school we have circle time and then do centers. Centers are basically where the kids can pick a section around the room that they can go to. They have "science," dress up, library, etc. After that sometimes we go outside. Then there is lunch and nap time. After nap time there is a span of time where I don't really know what we do. Snack is at three then they can either pick centers gain or we go outside and my day is done by five :) I'll have to try and take pictures of my center later when I remember.

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